Private Reformer Pilates
In these sessions, we will be working with the reformer to do full body workouts that aim to provide benefits such as strengthening and toning muscles, improving core strength and stability, increasing mobility and flexibility, and more!
Reformer Duets
These sessions are exactly the same as the One-on-One Pilates Instruction, but this time you can bring a friend to work out together!
Menopause Fitness Coaching
If you are in any stage of Menopause and you just can't seem to get the results you have had in the past then I can help you. My unique guided coaching program offers you a chance to feel good in your body once again. Using Pilates as just one of your tools we deep dive into how to get your back into your fitness game and more.
Virtual Reformer
If you have a reformer at home and want instruction through Zoom then this is for you. Have a live training session, where the instructor can watch and correct you where needed, without leaving the comfort of your own home. No longer will you need to try to watch a video and exercise on your reformer at the same time.
Pilates, Cardio, & Weights
Contact for more info.
Weight Lifting Class
Contact for more info.
Virtual Mat Pilates
This class offers a full body workout using the Pilates method, bringing your core strength, stability and mobility.
Virtual Chair Pilates (Group)
Can't get down on the floor? No problem! This 30-minute session will help you to re-gain strength and balance. Remaining seated in your chair, each session challenges your core strength, and light weights and bands will be used as needed.
MELT Method Instruction
The MELT Method is a tool to help you to work your Fascial system using unique soft ball kits and soft rollers that are the magic to making you feel better in your own skin. I teach you how to do this technique so that you can then take it home or even on vacation to keep your connective tissue supple and moveable so that it can assist in you in your daily life and activities.